Component & Parts

Our Moto

“Our extensive range of internationally renowned products are carefully cataloged to satisfy the demands of transport operators in the regions. We carry components and parts by well-known manufacturers such as Wabco, Valeo, Sabo, Phoenix, and Hendrikson just to name a few. Having provided 36 years of dedicated service, we are committed to supplying the parts of all makes and models of European commercial vehicles.

No Imitation is Our Policy!”

Safety & Accessories Equipment

Distribution of safety equipment for heavy commercial vehicles

Our range of specialized products and accessories for heavy-duty vehicles includes safety & accessories equipment. Our concept stores has a wide range safety & accessories products on display for cash-and-carry. In the near future, more branches are slated to be transformed into OpenConcept Stores to for convenience and visibility.

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or inquiries please contact us


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If you need more info
or inquiries please contact us

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